Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nice, Easy Nine!

This morning Vic and I woke up at the crack of dawn to go down to Kelly Drive for my first ever Team in Training group run. I was nervous beforehand because would you believe I have NEVER run with people! Running has always been my solo thing, but as it turns out I absolutely loved running with the team and my sister today!! When we arrived at Kelly Drive it was pretty cold, but it was a gorgeous day and once we got moving it was the perfect day for a 9 mile run! Before we started Vic's TNT mentor showed me some new IT band stretches which I will definitely be doing again.

For the first 5 miles Vic and I ran with 3 other TNT team members and were rocking a nice steady pace. We were running behind the others and it was a really comfortable few miles. After the water station, Vic and I ended up in front and we were even faster! We ended up losing the other team members which was a shame but we were on a roll and nothing could stop us! As we were about to complete "the loop" at Kelly Drive, Vic and I doubled back for a 1/4 mile in order to hit the 9 mile mark for the day! We completed the 9 miles in 92 minutes and 45 seconds!

This morning when we started our run my watch was acting weird, and I kept gaining mileage compared to Vic's watch. When we finished mine said 9.52 and Vic's said 9 miles. It was so strange! And annoying! I'm going to recalibrate my watch on my next run, so hopefully that will fix it.

Anyway, as we were running I had a funny Daddy memory. When we were little we would occasionally go biking at Kelly Drive. One time, Dad loaded up the car with our bikes and we headed off to the Drive. When we got there and Dad took the bikes out, he found that all of the bike tires were flat! I forget what happened, but I think he ended up going home again to get an air pump or something and we still went on our family bike ride! Dad to the rescue :)

After toady's run I took a great nap, but I'm still pretty sleepy! I'm off to relax!


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