Saturday, April 10, 2010

Last Long Run

Today was my LAST double digits run until the race! I'm officially tapering! Next weekend I'll be home to do a final run with TNT, it'll be 6 miles and since I'll get to do it with Vic I think it will just be a fun, relaxing run. Then, the weekend after that it's race day--I can't believe it's SO soon! I decided a little while back, to cut back my mileage, so even though TNT's schedule for the week said to do 12 miles, I just did 10 miles of running plus 2 miles of walking with the warm up and the cool down. I felt great during the run, and I definitely could have pushed through and done a couple more miles, but right now my goal is to make it to the start line (and then hopefully the finish line)! Today's run felt unbelievably natural. It's so strange to me how 10 miles can feel so normal! I tried not to focus on time too much because, again, I just wanted to finish uninjured. I always aim for negative splits, which I definitely didn't hit today, but that's okay. Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 17:13 (warm up)
Mile 2: 9:30
Mile 3: 9:56
Mile 4: 10:04
Mile 5: 10:11
Mile 6: 10:07
Mile 7: 9:51
Mile 8: 10:35 (I walked the stairs from the trail back up to the bridge to prevent killing myself)
Mile 9: 10:13
Mile 10: 10:16
Mile 11: 9:16
Mile 12: 17:41 (cool down)
Total time: 2:14:59, 10 miles of running 1:40:05

I was glad this morning to find that it wasn't 90 degree outside, but it was SO windy today. I know I've said that before, but I think this might have been the windiest! After mile 8 (7 miles of running, plus the warm up), I stopped home for some water and 4 grapes. The grapes didn't upset my stomach at all, so maybe that will be my fuel of choice on race day? I really didn't want to stop because when I did 11 miles a few weeks ago it was pretty difficult for me to start running again after my water break. But, I know hydration and proper fueling is really important, so I stopped anyway. When I headed back out after my ~2 minute water break my legs felt completely fine! It was nice to know I only had 3 more miles to go after the water break too. For my last mile I tried to really pick up my pace, I ran mile 10 a whole minute faster than mile 9, I'd say that was success!

Time for some R&R (which Daddy was a pro at)!

Hanging out in Puerto Rico, May, 2009
Getting a massage in Puerto Rico, May, 2009


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